Wednesday 19 March 2014

Made up script.

A message from the dead - By Nathan and Daniel

Main Cast:
Nathan as Cameron Nicholas
Daniel as James Crystal
Alice as Katie Mills
Kimberly as Alex Strotle
Callum as Jason O' Connor
Austin as Jack Miles
Mystie as Angela Rose
Chris as Nick Beld
Arthur as Kayden Astrote
Stella as Mrs Nicholas
Josh as Mr Nicholas
Camedon as Mr Crystal
Emily as Mrs Crystal
Ella as Kathrine Crystal
Oscar as Snark Bewilder
Oliver as Phantom 
Yolanda as Phantom's bride
Esther as Martha Wilson
Columbus as Mr Mills
Elaine as Mrs Mills

Minor Cast:
Child #1
Child #2
Beggar #1
Beggar #2
Beggar #3
Stranger #1
Stranger #2
Stranger #3
Stranger #4

Scene 1
Act 1

(Others, Child #1, Child #2, Stranger #1 and Beggar #3 walks on the stage)

It was the morning of London. The streets were busy, cars pasted by and the laughter of young ones were heard. People were standing outside a grand building as tall as the sky, playing many things that could disrupt the neighborhood. 

(Cameron, James, Jack, Nick and Kayden enters)

Nick: Hey guys. Did you watch the news yesterday? (Throws a ball in the air)
Cameron: News? Seriously, we're not in the 1890s. (Raises a brow)
James: (Catches the ball) I heard about it. I felt bad for the girl though.
Nick: Yeah, me too. The sad thing is, is that she's the same age as us. 
Cameron: Man, you guys are lame for watching the news.

(Nick and James sighs)

Kayden: Oi, you lot! 

(Nick, Cameron and James turns to face Kayden and Jack)

James: Yeah?
Jack: Come  'ere. 
Cameron: Why? Something wrong? (Rushes over)
Kayden: (Shakes his head) No, we found something. (Holds a piece of paper up)
Nick: What is it? (Looks at the paper confused)
Cameron: It looks like a...
James: Clue. It's a clue! (Snatches the paper and looks at it)
Kayden: A clue to what?
James: It's to the missing girl on the news!
Nick: What? Give me that... (Takes the paper and reads it, then nods) Yeah, this is a clue but...
Jack: We should report this to the police.
James: No, I say we find the girl.

(The other boys looks at James shocked)

Cameron: You kidding me? We might get killed!
Kayden: We might be wrong!
Jack: It's suicidal! 
Nick: No guys, I think he's right. If we find the girl, we'll get the reward money, not to mention having the mayor come praise us.
Cameron: But our parents...
James: We'll be heroes, our parents can't say anything if we're heroes! 
Nick: Let's vote on this.
Kayden: I'm not sure this is a great idea...
Nick: Hands up if you don't want to go.

(Cameron and Kayden raises their hands)

James: Hands up if you do.

(James, Nick and Jack raises their hands)

Nick: Looks like we're going.

(Cameron sighs)

Cameron: Fine but if we get caught or die, I blame you.

(Nick and James nod at the same time)

(Everyone leaves the stage)

End of Act 1

The story will continue...

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