Thursday 20 March 2014

Sneak Peak on 'The Runaway' Chapter 3

A Percabeth Fanfiction!

'Ah man. I was totally not cool with this. What will my friends think when they see me bring a girl to work? Probably might think that she's my girlfriend. Ugh. Why did mom have to suggest that? I don't even know Annabeth enough to have her come to work with me. 

You didn't know her enough to bring her back to your place. My conscious said.

Damn it! That was so right. Oh well. How bad can it be?'

And that's all I can give away for you. Are you guys excited about it? If so, then wait until the chapter comes out!
If you haven't read the first 2 chapters, click on this: The Runaway

Favourite and follow me on RepeatThatAgain

Also, follow me & my brother on Twitter: ImagineStupid

We even have some cool drawings on Deviantart: ImagineStupidity

As you can see, our names are always ImagineStupidity, ImagineStupid or our actual names (leave the fanfic account out of this), that will always be our name and only ours!

Wanna add us on hotmail? Sure!
Here's our account:

See you guys around!

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